Hormone Therapy For Prescribers | Sarasota Apothecary
Explore our Hormone Therapy resources and services for prescribers at Sarasota Apothecary. Our comprehensive offerings include expert consultations, educational materials, and access to quality hormone therapy medications.

Looking to Begin Prescribing More or Learn How to Prescribe HRT?
Our pharmacist, Jillian is a Certified Hormone Replacement Therapy Specialist. She can assist you with your HRT prescribing and do one-on-one patient consultations to provide clinical and prescription recommendations. She has created a Women’s Health Compounding Reference Guide booklet as well as HRT Prescription Pads to further assist prescribers, available upon request. She is also available for Zoom or In Person meetings at your office.
Protocols and Prescription Forms
- Medical History Forms
- Female BHRT Protocols
- Women’s Health Compounding Reference Prescribing Booklet
- Personalized Prescription Pad Templates, for many specialties
One-on-One Consults
- Individualized Consult with Clinical Pharmacist
- Patient-Pharmacist
- Prescriber-Pharmacist patient case reviews
- Order Lab Tests: Saliva and Blood spot testing
- Review and Interpret Lab Results
- Provide customized prescription recommendations
For prescription pads fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP during business hours.
DISCLAIMER These compounded medications have not been tested or approved by the FDA for their intended use. No claims are made to the safety, efficacy, or use of these formulations. These medications may be filled by any pharmacy of the patient’s choice. A written prescription from a licensed professional is required for compounded medications. No claims are made that compounded products are generic products or can be substituted for other drugs. The preparations are compounded in a pharmacy to meet individual patients’ needs. Directions under each compound are the usual directions and should be changed as needed to fit the patient’s needs. Ingredients and compounds should be adjusted and modified to fit each patient’s need for the optimal patient outcome. Contact the pharmacy for more information on Hormone Therapy for Prescribers.